Research Projects


Project TitleFunding Agency (DST, DBT, GSBTM)Principal Investigator (PI) Co- Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
Tracking the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the urban clusters of Narmada River, Gujarat.GSBTMDr. Chirayu Desai (PI)
Novel enzymaic strategy for synthesizing human milk oligosaccharides for promoting health of infants.DBTDr. Ravindra Pal Singh (PI)
Prophylactic health products from macroalgae and their digestion by human gut microbial communities.DBTDr. Ravindra Pal Singh (PI)
Exploring prophylactic activities of diverse structural pectin oligosaccharides: a step towards nutrigenomics.DBTDr. Ravindra Pal Singh (PI)
Hydrogen gas production by engineered Escherichia coli utilizing crude glycerol and lignocellulose biomass.DBTDr. Sudheer P. (PI)
Aptamer-nanoparticles conjugate: a next generation theranostic agents for phytopathogenic fungi.DBTDr. Tarun Sharma (PI)
Understanding the role of microtubule dynamics in autophagy and its implication in cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.DBTDr. Ankit Rai (PI)
Identification of Novel Genes/QTLs for seed quality and nutrition traits in pigeon pea using genome-wide association mapping.DSTDr. Nisha Singh (PI)
Chemical modulator based microalga bio refinery for the production of biofuels and bio products.SERB-DSTDr. Imran Pancha (PI)
Development of an aptamer based Low-cost Non Invasive Screening Test for Hyperbilirubinemia.DBTDr. Tarun Sharma (PI)
Sepsis-related Mortality in Neonates in India: A Multi-Disciplinary, Multi-Institutional Research Program For Context-specific solution-“Project 10 – an aptamer Based approach To Expedite Accurate Diagnosis of Bacterial and Fungal Sepsis in Neonates.DBTDr. Tarun Sharma (PI)
Identification and validation of potential phytochemicals against proteases (3CLpro/Mpro) of SARS-CoV-2 using combined computational and experimental tools.GSBTMDr. Dhaval Patel (PI)
Development of high-throughput drug repurposing pipeline for lead molecule identification against ESKAP.GSBTMDr. Dhaval Patel (PI)
Wastewater to biofuel and bio products: Cyanobacterial bio refinery through a green circular bio-economy.GSBTMDr. Sudheer Pamidimarri (PI)
Dr. Imran Pancha (PI)
Dr. Sangram Lenka (PI)
Dr.Chirayu Desai (PI)
Dr. Sandeep Panda (Co-PI)
CRISPR Crop Network: Targeted improvement of stress tolerance, nutritional quality and yield of crops by using genome editing.ICAR-NASFDr. Sangram Lenka (PI)
Mari culture waste generated seaweed biomass production for agriculture, bioenergy and biomedical application.DSTDr. Nitin Trivedi (PI)
Heterogeneity and specialized functions of Ribosome: Role of mRNA multiplexing.DBTDr. Rohini Nair (PI)
Low-Budget Natural Farming (LBNF): Underpinning the Gujarat agro-climatic zones’ soil-specific natural farming practices for sustainable and climate resilient agriculture.GSBTMDr. Jagat Rathod (PI)
Dr. Balaram Mohapatra (PI)
Dr. Imran Pancha (Co-PI)
Engineering Hybrid Biological Systems for self-Sustainable treatment of persistent mobile chemicals in common effluent treatment plant (CETP) wastewater.GSBTMDr. Chirayu Desai (PI)
Dr. Varun Shah (Co-PI)
Development of a point-of-care (POC) biosensor for the detection of organophosphate and carbamate pesticides in environmental samples.GSBTMDr. Tarun Sharma (PI)
Establishing environmental surveillance of emerging pathogens and pollutants from Gujarat using multi ‘-omics’ approaches.GSBTMDr. Varun Shah (PI)
Integrated Treatment of Lignite and Acid Mine Drainage for Remediation of Pollutants and Generation of Clean Coal, Bio Methane and Bio-Composites: A Circular Bio-Economy Approach.GSBTMDr. Sandeep Panda (PI)
Dr. Balaram Mohapatra (PI)
Dr. Jagat Rathod (PI)